Emma Hamel
Coaching Services

Feel Heard, Nurtured & Guided

Being a curious person, I have trained in a number of different modalities over the years and when I work with my clients I tap into many aspects to bring out the very best and enable them to achieve their goals.

Being passionate about health and wellness I am certified in Advanced Soul Coaching®, Clutter Clearing, Past-Life Coaching, Future-Life Coaching, NLP, Hypnotherapy and Integrative Nutrition.

I also hold workshops and give motivational talks and these will be posted when they are next occurring. Please do also take a moment to read my disclaimer.

Soul Coaching®

Soul Coaching® is designed to support you during your everyday life. Consisting of individual coaching sessions utilising powerful questioning, reflection and visualisation techniques, we explore your relationship with yourself, others and move beyond ‘stuckness’ into a positive empowered state, in any area of your life. The results are tangible as your energy increases, and your life becomes purposeful.

These coaching sessions can be in-person sessions or on online video, so wherever you are in the world we have the opportunity to do the necessary work. I will create a safe space for you to experience and embrace your greatness, so let’s connect and see how we can walk the journey together.
Cost: £125 per session or £675 (6 x 1 hour sessions - £75 discount)

28 Day Program

The 28-Day Soul Coaching® Program and the 28-Day Health & Vitality Program were designed to direct you into finding your own answers to your life. These programs were created by Denise Linn of the International Institute of Soul Coaching®and as one of the few fully certified Advanced Soul Coaches® who has been personally trained by Denise, I can support you on this very powerful journey of discovery.

Each 28-day Program is split into 4 weeks with these weeks focusing on de-cluttering the Mind, Body, Emotions, and Spirit. With my guidance, you will examine the shape of your life, face your fears, release old negative patterns, get motivated, and step boldly into your future. Using soul journeys, openness, sharing, and creating a safe place to be all you are, this program is like no other.

The Process

  • 2 workshops either in person or on Zoom, averaging 2 hours each – one to start the program & the other to close
  • One hour weekly Coaching call during the program (3 in total)
  • A manual featuring over 100 pages of processes at three different levels. You choose how much time you would like to spend each day depending on your time commitment.
  • 28 daily affirmations, one for each day of the program
  • 28 daily meditations, one for each day of the program
  • Email support during the program
Cost: £975

Past-Life Coaching

Past-Life Coaching journeys are effective because they have the ability to get to the root of current life problems. They have been known to work on people who don’t even believe in reincarnation. As your consciousness travels with you from lifetime to lifetime, it brings with it your learning’s and experiences from your past; both good and bad. It is possible to heal an aspect of your past which may be blocking you in your current lifetime.
Each session involves a discussion on any issues that you are having which may need to be looked at during the session or we can simply see what comes up for you. It is worth noting that the conscious mind works differently to the unconscious. The unconscious may guide you to what needs to be cleared and dealt with, so sometimes having an open mind rather than fixed is really useful. We will then go on a journey in a deep and relaxed state and see what comes up for you.
Read a magazine article here
Cost: £175 per session (1.5 hours)

Future-Life Coaching

Future-Life Coaching is profound. With this journey work, you can discover infinite possibilities. With Soul Coaching and the 28-Day Programs, you will be encouraged to clear what no longer serves you. Once this is done you can then make informed decisions about your future.

Using Future-Life Coaching you can move forward on your timeline. You can compare decisions if you are at a crossroads or even get to test what something would feel like if you chose a certain path. And sometimes you will experience something you could not have imagined.

Know this. It can only be positive and is a wonderful guide for a possible future.

Cost: £175 (1.5 hours)
They say that people come into your life for a reason & so it was one morning when I was having coffee with a good friend when her daughter Emma arrived. I knew her to say hello to but we had never spoken properly. I was floundering along in my life – fairly recently widowed at a youngish age, trying to make sense of a new relationship & all its nuances and had realised that I had become a bit of a doormat and a people pleaser. Thanks to her methods of teasing out the truths behind everything and teaching me how to ‘respond, rather than react’ (and how to frame things that I say to encourage response rather than reaction) I am now well on my way out of the tunnel I felt I was in. She also introduced me to a wonderful course called ‘28 Day Soul Coaching’. I would recommend this to everyone and anyone as a way of reconnecting with yourself, the world around you and clearing out your ‘baggage’. My friends and family have noticed a real difference in my attitude to life. So thank you to the universe for allowing Emma to walk into my life that day, and I hope she will stay in my life for many years to come.
Julie Ellis-Davies
Hill Furze, Worcester, WR10 2NE

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